October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month


Here’s how Principal Smith at Lincoln Middle School uses BRIM to manage and track bullying incidents.

lincoln-school-principalJohn Smith – the Principal of Lincoln Middle School – chose BRIM to help him organize and keep track of bullying incidents and investigations at his school. In addition to himself, the vice-principals and counselors all have access to view and update cases.

It all starts when a student or staff reports a bullying incident using BRIM’s online incident reporting form.

Principal Smith is instantly notified via email and logs in to BRIM to view the incident details.

A student named Aaron Applebee in the 7th grade says he’s been getting shoved and verbally harassed in gym class and can’t take it anymore.


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The bullying report seems legitimate so Principal Smith turns the incident into a new case and starts the investigation.

Principal Smith adds counselor Mary to the case and assigns her the task of meeting with Aaron and his gym teacher.

Principal Smith assigns Mary the task of meeting with Aaron and his gym teacher separately to learn more about the situation.

Mary is instantly notified via email that she’s been added to the case and assigned this next step.

Mary reports back to Principal Smith the results of her investigation using the case comments tool.

While investigating, Mary learns that the bullying has been going on for months and that the gym teacher thought it was just boys being boys and wasn’t aware the extent of the bullying. Mary leaves a comment in BRIM that the report is legitimate and that action should be taken.

Principal Smith receives Mary’s comment, completes the investigation results form and assigns consequences

Principal Smith receives Mary’s comment, marks the incident as verified and fills out the incident investigation report detailing the investigation results and actions to be taken.

He then assigns a next step asking a counselor to speak with the parents of the bully and victim separately, assigns consequences to the bully and arranges further counseling for the victim.

Principal smith also sets a reminder in BRIM to check back in a month’s time to confirm the bullying has stopped.

Fortunately, it has.

A month later, BRIM notifies Principal Smith via email to follow-up with Aaron. To his and Aaron’s delight, he hears that the bullying has stopped. Principal Smith marks the case as closed.

Thanks to BRIM, the school also has a complete record of incidents, actions taken and more should the information be needed in the future.


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