Click on any of the fields that you would like to customize. Then add and/or delete any fields to suit your needs.
Form fields that show up on your public reporting form will update based on any fields you add or remove. Other fields are internal and will not sure up on the public form. They will become options in the drop-down menus. For instance, you might want to add a “Staff Step” called “Refer to School Counselor.” If you add this new option, you will be able to mark incidents with the step of “Refer to School Counselor.” Then on an incident, you can click on the “Interventions” tab, click “Add Intervention” and select the “Refer to School Counselor” step.
This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!
Want to prevent and track bullying at your school?
Together we can improve our school communities
Create an anti-bullying policy
Standardize reporting methods
Provide self-help resources to your students
We work with administrators, counselors, teachers, and community members. Simply fill out this short form and we'll be in touch to address your needs and create a plan!
Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party - we promise!