October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Tags ArchivesDifference between teasing and taunting

Teasing and Bullying: How to Know when Teasing Crosses the Line and Becomes Hurtful image

In Barbara Coloroso’s renowned book on bullying, The Bully, The Bullied and the Bystander, she makes a clear distinction between teasing and taunting. Teasing is a benign act between friends not intended to cause hurt and done in a light-hearted way with both parties able to switch roles easily. Teasing is not bullying. Taunting on the other hand is intended to cause harm, is one-sided, malicious in motive and involves cruel comments thinly veiled as jokes. Teasing and Bullying: Teasing Is a Normal Part of Healthy Relationships Teasing is a fun thing done between friends – with people you care about. Because of this, teasing does not involve comments about the ‘big 5′ subjects often come up in verbal bullying: ...

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