October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Tags ArchivesPeer Victimization in Fifth Grade and Health in Tenth Grade

New Study Shows Bullying Affects Students’ Long Term Health image

What’s the best way to ensure a student is both unhealthy and depressed? Bully them for a long time and don’t let up. A new study in the journal Pediatrics has shown that almost half (44.6%) of students with past and present bullying experiences fall into the least healthy 10% of students. For comparison, only 6.5% of students that have never been bullied fall into the least healthy 10% of students. In other words, a student that has been bullied in the past and present is 7x more likely to have very poor psychosocial health than their peers that have never been bullied.   This study shows clearly that long term bullying is associated with poor mental and physical health ...

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