October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Categories ArchivesGovernment Anti-Bullying Programs

British Columbia Premier Announces ERASE Anti-Bullying Program standard

Premier Christy Clark of British Columbia announced her government’s new ERASE (Expect Respect and a Safe Education) back in June of 2012. According to the BC government’s press release on the ERASE program, the program includes 10 elements that will kick in to effect starting with the 2012/2013 School Year. As highlighted in point 4 of the ERASE program’s 10 point plan, this plan introduces tougher, mandatory reporting of bullying incidents in all school districts. How that reporting process should work is not completely clear, however in other provinces (e.g., Ontario and Quebec), the laws specifically state that all bullying incidents must be reported to the school principal or their designee. What the ERASE Program Means for British Columbia Schools ...

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