October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Tags ArchivesVH1

Does VH1’s New Anti-Bullying Advertisement Do More Harm Than Good? video

What do you think of VH1’s new Anti-Bullying ad? Does it trivialize the plight of bullying victims or would students that bully actually take the message to heart?  (Although the message here seems to be that kids shouldn’t bully because one day the victim may be your boss… not the most compassionate message for why kids shouldn’t bully.) Tell us your thoughts in the comments.  We're BRIM! BRIM pairs a smart, cloud-based system to anonymously report and track incidents of bullying at schools. Our mission is to bring about a world where everyone can go to school without fear of being bullied. We occasionally get together to write and share news and ideas on our blog. Thanks for stopping by! Click ...

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