Be Strong of Deerfield Beach, FL works with students and communities across the country in an effort to end bullying.   Their first step is providing help for students and parents who need help after hearing anti-bullying messages inside their schools.  Many schools have anti-bullying assemblies, but what happens after those assemblies is what matters most.  Be Strong’s set of digital tools connect people of all ages with one-touch resources like a bullying lifeline, suicide lifeline, text line, and trusted friends alert, a Smartphone App, and an information portal.  These tools along with increased access to social resources are backed by a growing team of volunteers prepared to spread the message of help and understanding to young people in need.  Be Strong’s support resources empower students to help themselves – a critical component of any anti-bullying initiative.

Be Strong’s resources within the BRIM platform

The BRIM anti-bullying and reporting platform promotes Be Strong’s digital apps and support resources as pre- and post- steps in the bully reporting process.  Before and after students make a report to their administration they can easily find support resources on the reporting page.  Should a student not feel completely comfortable in reporting an incident, they can still find help themselves in these support resources.  Equally, parents wishing to report incidents can review support resources relevant to them.  They can share these resources with their children as they see fit.  The team at BRIM is very proud to add this critical resource to its platform as they work to end bullying in schools around the world.


Be Strong resources featured within BRIM platform

Be Strong Student State Representative Program

As part of its effort to empower students and build a stronger community, Be Strong launched a “nominate your student” campaign.  The program aims to highlight the voices of extraordinary students around the country that want to build a more inclusive tomorrow.  Be Strong works with representatives in four key areas: resilience training, random acts of kindness, awareness & advocacy.  Be Strong will highlight students across the country who are champions for change within their communities.  Attention school leaders: which of your students has overcome their own experience with bullying, stood up against a bully for a friend or perhaps was a bully and then had a change of heart?  Recognize your students for their positive behavior as good citizens is key to promoting a positive culture in the classroom and around your school community.


Watch the Simulcast on March 30th

