We live in a very litigious society in this day and age, and a very expensive one. The national average charge per hour for an attorney is $275. Good representation can be much more expensive in some areas with charges well over $500 per hour. Protracted lawsuits can take many months and sometimes years to complete all while incurring huge financial and emotional costs. It’s always best not to have a lawsuit to begin with……

Unless there’s a “paper trail” showing what action your school has taken in response to a bullying incident, it’s as if your school didn’t take any action at all.

BRIM changes this. When you report an incident in BRIM, you can also report exactly what steps your school has taken in response to the incident. This forms a “paper trail” bringing all the relevant pieces of information together in a single case. If a claim is made, having complete information at your fingertips makes it easier to demonstrate that your school did everything that could reasonably be expected of them.

Being able to demonstrate that an administration has been proactive in its efforts to address bullying with the implementation of BRIM is a valuable asset and can help protect administrators, teachers, staff and even school board members for less than the price of a daily cup of coffee.