October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

How do I send investigation results to the submitter of an incident report?

Many districts, provinces and states require that schools report back to the person who submitted the incident report. BRIM makes reporting back easy as pie! 


  1. First, login to BRIM by visiting https://www.antibullyingsoftware.com/app/brim and entering your username and password. If you do not have a username and password, please contact your admin team.
  2. In the ‘Manage Cases’ section, click on the case containing the incident you’d like to modify.
  3. Once you’re on the screen with the title ‘View Case: XXX’, view the incident you’d like to update. To do this, you may click on the incident number, date of incident or the magnifying glass in the right column.
  4. You should now be on the screen with the title ‘View Incident: XXX’. Scroll to the bottom of the page, select the new status for the incident, complete the reviewer comments field, enter the email addresses of people you’d like to notify then click either the ‘Update Without Sending Acknowledgement’ or ‘Update and Send Acknowledgement’ button as desired.

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