High school locker room bullying has been a “tradition” for many, many years and is usually referred to as hazing which has also led to many tragedies on college campuses across the country in the fraternity and sorority systems. Whether bullying or hazing takes place in high school or at college it is totally unacceptable and has ruined many lives. According to one recent study three in five students in college experience some form of hazing and an alarming forty seven percent of students in high school sports experience bullying before entering college. Student athletes who receive hazing often suffer physical injuries hampering their ability to perform. These incidents are often mentally and emotionally harmful as well. The challenge goes ...
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Anyone that knows me well knows that I only bet on a sure thing. Not terribly long ago I was speaking with a high school Principal with an enrollment of just over 800. She assured me in every phone call and email that her school was virtually bully free and that student harassment was not an issue on her campus. I asked how many bullying incidents were being reported each month and she laughed and said they had fewer than 10 reports the entire school year. Finally, after several weeks, I was able to convince the Principal to move forward and they became BRIM Anti-Bullying members. To get the Principal to move forward I said I would bet her that ...
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Students are bullied for a number of reasons, which include but are not limited to race, religion, popularity, intelligence, vulnerability, isolation, physical characteristics, economic circumstances, disabilities and success. Some people argue that changing behaviors and appearances to mitigate bullying is the answer in reducing incidents; however the real answer is identifying, reporting and changing the behavior of the bully. The BRIM Anti-Bullying Software Application is a game changer in safe anonymous reporting. Actions need to have consequences and without reporting, bullying situations tend to get worse; they don’t magically get better without intervention. The good news, BRIM can be implemented daily for less than the cost of a cup of coffee… Although often over looked, successful students get targeted for ...
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Constant bullying at school can ruin a child’s live. In a recent survey of 40,000 high school students, 50 percent admitted to bullying other students within the past year, and 47 percent said they had been “bullied, teased, or taunted in a way that seriously upset” them (Josephson Institute, 2010). Because bullying is so prevalent, there’s also a large body of bullying research papers containing best practices for handling bullying at your school. How Well Can You Answer Bullying Questions from Parents? If a parent asks you, “Can you set up a meeting with the family of my daughter’s bully so we can all talk and get the bullying to stop?”How would you respond? Would you: Agree to set up ...
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