October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

BRIM Incident Reporting Features

Here's What BRIM Can Do for You

BRIM will save you time while providing critical insights about your school

Case Management

  • BRIM keeps you organized. Incidents, interventions, files and more are grouped together in cases.
  • Automatic weekly summary emails keep you informed
  • Schedule interventions and notify staff all from in BRIM
  • Send notifications to parents of affected students right from BRIM

Online Reporting

  • Students, staff and parents can report bullying 24/7 online
  • Anonymous reporting option for students afraid of being labelled a tattle tale.
  • Mobile friendly means bystanders can instantly report any bullying they witness from their phone
  • Secure connections keep private data private

Reports Center

  • BRIM will tell you when and where bullying happens most
  • Create custom reports by grade level, time period, student and more
  • See at a glance which students are most involved in bullying
  • Printer and mobile friendly for bringing to meetings

Critical Insights

Knowledge is power

In addition to helping you record and follow-up on bullying incidents at your school, BRIM enables you to effortlessly  answer these important questions:

  • Are incidents increasing or decreasing?
  • Are your anti-bullying programs working to reduce bullying incidents?
  • Which locations in your school are most prone to bullying incidents?
  • What behaviours are coming up most frequently in incidents?
  • What percentage of bullies are male vs. female? special education? section 504? LEP?

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