October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Benefits for School Districts

Are Your District's Anti-Bullying Policies Working?

BRIM can tell you

By ensuring that every school in your school district is using BRIM, your school district takes a firm stance against bullying. Most of all, you’ll know if your policies are working and where they might need improvement.

  1. With more of your schools using BRIM, you can instantly view and compare bullying statistics across your all schools.
  2. Compare bullying rates between schools with comprehensive reporting to see which schools might need additional improvement.
  3. Try out new bullying programs in a test school, view the change in bullying incidents then decide whether to implement that program across your district.
  4. New laws are being considered in some states required schools to keep records on bullying incidents. Be ahead of the curve. Implement BRIM and rest assured you’re compliant with anti-bullying legislation.
  5. Volume pricing is available for schools that want to deploy BRIM across all the schools in their district.

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